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School Supply
DMS Foundation Updates

We kicked off our Color Battle this week, which will take place on Friday, Nov. 5th! Students came home with a pledge sheet containing a unique access code that grants access to their donation page. Please go to, log in with the access code to donate, and please share the fundraiser with friends and family. All students can participate with a minimum $30 donation. In addition, students can earn prizes & color powder packets to be launched in the air during fun outdoor field games! The Color Battle will be used for additional campus improvements, technology enhancements, and continued Foundation initiatives! Thank you for your support!

Exciting news for our Dickerson community!

Your dollars at work!!

Thanks to your generous donations this summer and fall, the Foundation is thrilled to announce several new additions coming to the Dickerson Middle School campus.

A brand new 20’ x 20’ shade will be installed near the basketball court between the track and lacrosse fields, replacing the wooden pergola that was rotting and falling apart. In place of the splintered wooden benches surrounding the track, 5 new benches with Dickerson branding and 3 smaller shades for those benches are coming. Wait, wait! There’s more! New picnic tables are coming too, which will provide years of outdoor learning and eating opportunities for our students.

If you like what your Foundation has done and are excited to see what else is in the pipeline for our amazing school, you and your students have another exciting opportunity coming up…

Get ready for the COLOR BATTLE coming next week! Stay tuned for details on this super fun, student-driven fundraiser. Remember, all funds raised by the Foundation will be poured right back into our school. Kids will have a blast AND the Foundation will continue to fund critical learning and infrastructure enhancements to our award-winning school!

Dear Dickerson Families,

As you are no doubt aware, the Foundation concluded our week-long Patron Drive last Friday, and we are so grateful for all the support shown by our incredible Dickerson family. Through your donations, we will be able to make critical improvements to our school and continue funding initiatives already in place that positively impact all Dickerson students.

Thanks to your support and the support of our incredible community business partners, we are closing in on our goal of raising $100,000 which will make all of our projects possible. Along with the PTSA, the Foundation board works hard throughout the year to help Dickerson continue to be a top Georgia middle school. But these entities survive only through the generosity of families like yours.

Please continue to check our website and Facebook posts to keep up with all the exciting things we have planned for the kids this year, and thank you for believing #themiddlematters. Have a wonderful, happy, safe fall break!

Yours truly, Erin Inan Foundation President

Foundation Sponsored Events

  • The Color Battle
    The Color Battle
    Fri, Oct 20
    Dickerson Middle School
    Oct 20, 2017, 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
    Dickerson Middle School, Marietta, GA
    DMS Foundation will be hosting the first annual Dickerson Color Battle. Look for more details coming home with students soon!
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