Happy New Year, Dickerson!
Happy New Year, Dickerson! We hope you all had a happy and healthy holiday season! We are kicking of 2023 with some big Foundation purchases and look forward to telling you about them over the next few weeks! So be sure to check out our website at www.dmsfoundation.com and follow us on social media stay updated!
Twitter: @FoundationDms
Meanwhile, if you missed it.... the Foundation purchased 20 new iMacs for the STEAM Lab . Students are using these devices to learn about audio production, computer science, and video editing. Here is a an update on how they are being used by our very own Mr. Willingham:
“Recently… Students in 7th grade practiced their computer science skills by designing and programming mini-games using MIT’s Scratch programming language. 6th and 8th graders learned to setup a mini recording studio and how to edit audio recordings so they could produce short podcasts. Students in the morning broadcast love how fast the new iMacs work when editing video. Students have also used the devices to learn about audio postproduction and sound effects, web development, and the PYTHON PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE.”